Cooking with Matt

As I’m moving to senior apartment, myself and other students are having a big responsibility. One of the responsibility is cooking. We have to cook two meals a day and breakfast on the weekend. Before moving to senior campus, we had this cooking lesson with our head chef. The cooking lessons include food hygiene, kitchen safety, and how to cook food (of course XD). 





Kep trip

On 31 March 2016, my school has a field trip to go to Kep. This is our second whole school trip. Kep is a very beautiful province with a beautiful beach and forest. All of the students and all of the staffs were going too. We leave at 11:45 am we were leaving Liger with two buses. One was the really big bus with 45 seats and other small Liger bus with 25 seats. I’m on the small bus with my others 11 friends. My bus was the first one to leaves but we arrived kept late than other because we got lost. We stay at Jasmine Valley which a very beautiful resort on top of the mountain. We have five houses four house is four students and the other is for kitchen staffs. My house was far from the others. I experienced many adventures like the weather is very hot, ants in a bedroom, no electricity. But all of those experience makes me happy. The day we divided students into four teams, plant, flower, tree, seed. On the afternoon on each team have a mission to a treasure hunt. The treasure was hidden by our facilitator. Each team has a GPS to find the treasure but our team has only two or three gaps. I love my team so much because we collaborate together very well and we have a lot of encouragement to our friends. The next day we went to Rabbit Island. We were spending one night at there. I swam whole days there. I love this trip so much because I got to hang out with my friends and experience many new things also learn from it.

Technovation National Pitch

A global technology entrepreneurship program just for girls, Technovation is a 12-week program that teaches the basics of computer programming to young girls between the ages of 10 to 19. After learning the basic computer programming skills my team created a mobile application business idea and write a business plan. There are 14 teams of talented females from across Cambodia present their business plans and mobile applications to a panel of judges and investors. Apart from winning prizes, the winners also stand a chance to make a global pitch in San Francisco, USA.

Hosted by Technovation, the Technovation Challenge aims to promote women in science. With over 5,400 girls from 28 countries developing 1,029 mobile applications and learning how to launch startup companies, Technovation is slowly but surely accomplishing its goal of offering girls the chance to become high-tech entrepreneurs. The Technovation Cambodia National Pitch was held on April 24, from 8am to 12pm at the Cambodia-Korea Cooperation Center.

Vocab words

This are some of my vocab word from my Khmer class. I need to study the definiton and give example of it and be ready for test.

១. ស្កា (ន) ឈ្មោះល្បែងមួយប្រភេទពួកបត្រង្គ តែមានមេពីរហៅថា តៅ មានសណ្ឋានបួនជ្រុង មានរន្ធប្រាំមួយ សម្រាប់ទម្លាក់លើក្តារ មានកូន២២ ឬ ៣០ ។

ឧ. គ្រុឌលេងបាស្កាជាមួយព្រះរាជា (រឿងកាកី)

២. ស្ការ (ន) សត្វចតុប្បាទមួយប្រភេទ មុខស្រួចឆ្លឺម ជើងខ្លីៗ សម្បុរត្នោត ស្រដៀងនឹងកំប្រុក តែមាឌធំជាង ។

ឧ. សត្វស្ការជាសត្វត្រូវនឹងសត្វពស់។

៣. ស្នើ (កិ) សួរឲ្យដឹងសិន ពិគ្រោះឬប្រឹក្សាមុនសិន ។

ឧ. ការនោះខ្ញុំបានស្នើនឹងគេស្រេចហើយ។ ធិនីធ្វើលិខិតស្នើសុំកុំព្យូទ័រចាស់ៗពីក្រុមហ៊ុនខ្យូប៊ី ដើម្បីឲ្យអង្គការមួយចំនួន ។

៤. ស្នើរ (ន) ស្រទាប់ សង្កាត់ដែលសើរើឡើងបានដោយងាយ ។

ឧ. ស្នើរក្រដាស ។ ម្លូប្រាំស្នើរ គឺម្លូដប់សន្លឹក ។

៥. ស្មើ ( គុ ឬ កិ.វិ ) ដែលប៉ុនគ្នា ត្រូវគ្នា មិនលើសមិនខ្វះគ្នា ។

ឧ. សុខគាធ្វើមុខស្មើ ។

៦. ស្ទើរ ( គុ) ដែលមិនពេញ មិនគ្រប់គ្រាន់ ។

ឧ. ចេកទុំស្ទើរ ។

៧. ស្មា (ន) ប៉ែកអវយវៈត្រង់លើគល់ដៃនមុស្ស ឬត្រង់ខាងគល់ជើងមុខសត្វតិរច្ឆាន ។

៨. ស្មារលា (កិ) សូមលែងធ្វើដូច្នោះតទៅទៀត ឬសូមកុំឲ្យបានជួបប្រទះទៀត.

ឧ. សូមស្មារលាលែងបាញ់សត្វ ។

My Strength and Weakness

  1. My strength is proactive which mean I do something without someone tell me to do it. For example in Eco 4 I went to Koh Kong with my group. We been to the forest and in the forest they are a lot of leeches and the bathroom was on the ground. Everyone was scared to go to the bathroom because they afraid of a leech. Whenever someone need to go to the bathroom I will go with them I don’t need Jojo to tell me that I need to help the people to go to the bathroom. One more example is when I’m in Innovation Center Leader Club (ICLC) I clean up the painting place and other place Rich doesn’t tell me to clean up all the mess that people made but I clean up because it doesn’t look clean and when someone come to Liger and they see all the mess they will say that Liger is messy and unorganized. Sometimes I saw the trash on the ground I pick it up. Also sometimes there raining the stair at my house is wet I will mop it to make it dry so when everyone walk on the stair they would fall because it no slippery. I do it because it not only me that walk on the stair it my house member too. Also, it about house cleaning. When someone had a job like to cleaned the rug on the weekend and they on trip I will help them to do it because if there no rug me and my house can’t clean the feet and it will make all the place in the house dirty and full of dirt because we have nothing to clean our feet and our feet is not 100% clean. One more in 3D with Kichong we go the market to sell our product some of my member they don’t want to go so I go and ask the people at the market.

2. My other strength is collaborator when I play like football I share my plan or my idea to my team that how are we going to win and we work together to scored the

3. My weakness is competitive which mean a win or lose it doesn’t matter to me because all I care is I have fun and my friend has fun.

4. My other weakness is problem solver which mean when I have a problem I can’t find a way to solve it so I need help. For example, if I can’t do my homework I need another strategy to solve but mostly I can’t find so I need help from friend or teacher.


Word Maze Practice

World Maze Practice For My Literacy Class

Angela stopped looking at her bracelet to admire the ocean. Her grandmother had given it to (improve, opinion, her), and it was very special. Then (Angela, religion, scare) slipped off her shoes to enjoy(strongly, huge, a) barefoot walk along the beach.

A (woman, communicate, reason) in a boat passed by. She (waved, easy, wildly), and Angela waved back. Then she (comfort, stared, introduce) down at her arm in shock. (Crying, Punishment, Granny’s) bracelet was gone!

Angela returned to (her, plan, butter) family and told them about her (bracelet, relaxed, throw) disaster. They burst into action. Grandpa (used, lie, salt) his metal detector. He couldn’t find (ran, neck, the) bracelet.

Angela’s brother Johnny followed his (inside, fought, sister’s) footprints along the beach. He too(determined, dirty, hoped) to discover her bracelet, but he (never, light, reflect) saw it.

Mom carefully sifted the (girl, sand, wooden) where Angela had been sitting. She (searched, street, leg)and searched. She couldn’t find the (happy, bracelet, small), either.

It was time to go (home, skin, agree). Angela blinked back tears. She picked (up, told, dress) her shoe. Out fell the bracelet!


About Me

Hola! My name is Samnang, known as SG. I was born on December 15, 2002 (13). I live in Kampong Thom Province which is in Cambodia. I am the only one in my family. I go to The Liger Learning Center which is an amazing school that gives a lot of great opportunities to students. On my free time, I like to read, hang out with friends, play sports etc. I enjoy spending time with my family and helping my friends. In the future, I want to be a tour guide because it’s my passion, I like to explore the world and experience new things, also, I like to share to people with my knowledge and experiences. I think that I am very lucky to be born on this Earth. One thing that I always remember  is strength because no matter what happen to me I will always stay strong inside. I happy to be who am I whether I am a girl or a boy most of all I happy with what I have and what I achieve.


In this class, we learn some basic Spanish words like number etc….
1 – Uno
2 – Dos
3 – Tres
4 – Cuatro
5 – Cinco
6 – Seis
7 – Siete
8 – Ocho
9 – Nueve
10 – Diez
11 – Once
12 – Doce
13 – Trece
14 – Catorce
15 – Quince
20 – Veinte
100 – Cien

I did one activity is I have to choose one country that speaks Spanish and tries to find interest place where we can go visit on holiday or break time. This is my favorite interesting point in Argentina:

  • Iguazu Falls
  • Los Glaciares National Park
  • La Boca, Buenos Aires
  • Parque Tres de Febrero
  • Florida Street

Networking Skill

In this class, there many topics of networking like how to talk on a phone in many kinds of situation, meeting, tour guide etc… One of my favorite networking skill is a tour guide. Everyone in my school has to know how to tour new visitor that visit our school. Here are our goals of tour guide.

Goals គោលបំណង

  • Be friendly, polite, and informative.
    ផ្ដល់នូវមិត្តភាព សុភាពរាបសារ និង​ចែករំលែក
  • The whole tour should last about 20 minutes.
  • Most of the time there will probably be two of you giving the tour, take turns giving information and be respectful of your partner when he/she is talking.
    គ្រប់ពេលវេលាដែលអ្នកកំពុងនាំភ្ញៀវដើរមើល អ្នកត្រូវមានគ្នាពីរនាក់ ដាក់វេនគ្នាក្នុងការផ្ដល់ពត័មាននិងត្រូវចេះគោរពគ្នានៅពេលដៃគូរកំពុងនាំភ្ញៀវ។
  • When the tour is complete, the visitor should have a clear idea of where things are located, as well as what goes on at LLC and why.
    ពេលនាំភ្ញៀវដើរមើលចប់ ភ្ញៀវគួរតែមានគំនិតមួយថាតើរបស់នេះនៅឯណា ថាតើឡៃហ្គ័រនឹងយ៉ាងមិចដែរ ហើយហេតុអី។

Independence math

In this class, we learn math by myself and try to improve our skill by Khanacademy. We have one hour to work on this with the friend. I like this class because I got to choose which topic I could improve on my math and I have some alone time to focus on it. I love Khan Academy website because it has many topics for me to choose. It gives a lot of good tutorials and very good strategy to solve a math problem.