
Name of Course – Physics

Learning Facilitator: Phearun

Course Description: This course will provide students the introduction to physics, application to the daily life and the element of physics that is the branch of science concerned with the nature and properties of matter and energy. The subject matter of physics will be included the earth’s gravity, movement of earth (kinds of rotation), work of force and energy. The students will be able to know about the importances of gravity and some phenomena caused by earth’s movement, value of earth gravity, relevance of gravitational force of earth and things’ weight on the earth; finding its value by using formula and keeping and conversion law of work of energies by  teacher’s demonstration and explanation and plus their more researches. The students will be emerged to establish questions or problems relevant to topic to discuss with one another or conduct  more researches with the unseen problems. The experiment will also be available for the relevant contents. Lastly, students will acquire awareness on what they will have learnt and be able to be aware of significance of physics related to the application to their daily lives and utilize that knowledge and share with other people.

Days of the Week: Mon-Tues

Physic Branches

Art History Description

Advanced Enrichment Name: Art History

Learning Facilitator: Jo

Number of Students: 8

Date: March 30 – June 12

Days We Meet: Thursday and Friday

Course Description: Our group learned about Art History. The first time we learned about the Art of Greek. We found the information from the videos of their history and looked how to paint. We tried to find the interesting things from the Greek art and then we chose to paint the Greek urn. First we didn’t take the pot to paint but we used the papers to make the pot shapes. We took our computer and found the styles of the Greek urn and drew some of their style in the paper. When we did it finish we tried to draw the pot on the papers. When we finished we cut it out and we painted colour orange. If we wanted to have the picture that we want to draw to colour orange we painted the background black. If we wanted the picture black we painted our background to the orange colour. When we chose finish and we waited for them to dry. Then we drew the style of the Greek. When we finished we drew the things that told us about our life. Then we painted the colour on it and waited for them to dry again. Then we had the paper Greek urns. Also our groups learned how to paint. We found information about Monet and Leonardo Da Vinci. We watched the video of the Rome and about Leonardo Da Vinci life. We had the book that told us about the types of art of Rome and Leonardo Da Vinci. When we watched finish we started to choose the art and started to paint like that picture. We chose Monet art. First we took the colour to paint on the paper for try. We went near the pond. Then we painted the water and water lilies. We started to paint on the canvas. We divided into three groups to paint. When we finished we went to paint at the wall. We painted the black on it and then we drew the Khmer history. Then we painted white on the line and that is our Art History group work.


Infograpics Description

Advanced Enrichment Name: Infographics 1

Learning Facilitator: Jessica

Number of Students: 13

Advanced Enrichment Dates: August 12-Oct 17

Days We Meet: Thursday and Friday

Course Description: In Infographics class we learned about what does infographics mean. Infographics means the way showing information as a chart or diagram. In Infographics we learned to look at the pictures to understand the information and we were so excited to get a chance to looked at an infographic because it was our first time to look at infographics by our own. When we first looked at infographic we got a little confused but the strategies are sometimes to look at the arrow. Infographics might have a lot of pictures but some don’t have a lot of pictures. The pictures that we looked at were about the Earth like when the animals die and decompose and become gasoline or gold. We even looked at infographics about acid rain. At the end of our Advanced Enrichment we made our own infographic about Liger as the same as 100 people. We made our own infographic because we wanted other students and visitors to get some information from our infographic.

Cosmos Description

Name of Course:  Cosmos

Learning Facilitator: Max

Number of Students: 6 students

Days we Meet: March 30 – June 12

Course Description: We learned about cosmos. In Cosmos class we used the cosmos movie to learn. We learned how  life started on Earth and how many colors of light like infrared light. We learned about planets in the universe. We understand how the Earth got hit by the big rock from space. Also who was the first person to walk on the moon. Max told and explained very clearly and easier to understand. We learned who was the first person or the scientist who found the light. Next we learned who explored the planet, found the other new planet and  the history of the stars. We learned how the Earth started to have a life.  We learned about the black hole in the universe. We learned the big hole hit by the big rock from space a long time ago. Also we learned about believe, ex: god of the Saturn in Italy. We learned how to look at the old rocks from a long time ago. The rock that we looked at is named Grand Canyon and why we know that it the old rock is we looked at the lines on the rock to find out.


Robotics Description

Name of Course: Robotics 2

Learning Facilitator: Max

Number of Students: 12 students

Days we Meet: January 19 to March 27

Course Description: In this Advanced Enrichment we learned lots of programing the robot. To program our teacher told us to do what challenge that we can work on. There were five challenges that Max told us to work. The first three challenges Max wanted us to make our robots move in the square using three different sensors. Next he told us to have a competition to see which robot is the fastest and what strategies that they use. After we knew the result he made the last challenge for us. That challenge was called Dragon Challenge. If we did right all we will get 90 points but it is so hard. In that challenge there were fire, dragon, people that helped one person stuck in the dragon place. We had to knock down the dragons and fires but don’t knock down the people who were helping. If we knocked the people that help we will lose our points.

Khmer History Description

Name of Course: Advanced Khmer History

Learning Facilitator: Darath

Number of Students: 10

Dates: Jan. 19 – March 27

Days we Meet: Monday and Tuesday

Description: In our class we learned about Khmer history. History we learn a lot. But we chose  to learn about Khmer Rouge. Khmer Rouge story is so sad. First time we learned Khmer Rouge we made the poster and wrote the questions that we not understand. Thenwe divided by group and researched about Khmer Rouge. When we learned we used computers to research. Also we used books.We asked the older people that they have the experience with it. We made the poster andwhen we do finished we presentation with our partner. We learned howKhmer Rouge used the people. Also what is their flag meaning, how they wear their clothes. The flag is colour red and orange. In the middle of the flag are the three temples. We knew how Khmer Rouge started. What year that khmer rouge started (1940) and how the war started. Sometimes we shared what we learned when we researched to our friends.

Botany Description

Name of Course: Botany 2

Learning Facilitator: Jojo

Number of Students: 9

Dates: October 20-January 16

Days we Meet: Thursday-Friday

Course Description:In our Advanced Enrichment we learned about botany. Botany means learning about plants. Plants are the only organisms that can make their own food and that’s called sugar or glucose. Plants make their own food is called photosynthesis. Photosynthesis means plants take sunlight to make their own food. Plants make photosynthesis on the leaves. The organ in leaves works to make the food. In leaves have chloroplast and in chloroplast have chlorophyll. Plants take the carbon dioxide and lay out oxygen. During the day, they do photosynthesis. Plants have physical features. There are: roots, stem, leaves, fruits and flowers. In the stem there are two tubes. First tube is for sucking the food or it’s called nutrients and the second tube is for sucking the water. In our class we had the activity is growing the plants. Our resources were paper, plastic bag, water and seed. First we needed to​​ soak paper with water but not very wet and put the seed in it. Rub it not too tight and put in plastic bag. The plastic bag needed to be open for oxygen get in it and put at the place that have a sunlight. We need to put the water, unless the paper is dry. When the seed germinates like come out the stem, leaves, we take out from the paper and put in the soil.


Psychology Description

Name of Course: Psychology

Learning Facilitator: Caroline

Number of Students: 13

Days we Meet: Monday/Tuesday

Advanced Enrichment Dates: Session 1: August 12-October 17

Course Description: In our Advanced Enrichment we learned about psychology. Psychology means how someone felt and how they changed their behavior and attitude. We learned about body language. Body language means how someone acted could tell other people by not speaking anything. We looked at the students and thought that students were introvert or extrovert people. Introvert means animals that don’t want to be loud they are just serene. Extrovert means animals that like to do fun things and be loud animals. Other things we learned were about optimism and pessimism. Optimism means thinking a good thing. Pessimism means thinking bad things like some people give up. We learned about positive and negative behavior. Example: when the mom played with the baby she was positive and the baby was happy, but when the mom was negative (it means the mom made the straight face) and then the baby was crying and trying to make the mom play with them. We learned about children’s behavior. When we gave chocolate to children and then we said if you eat chocolate it okay, but if children wait the teacher will give more chocolate. Some of the students ate the chocolate because they thought that the teacher was cheating them. Some of them waited because they wanted more chocolate to eat. We watched three videos. First video we watched was about two monkeys working together to open the box to get the foods to eat.​ Second video we watched was about human have two monkeys and they gave one monkey a grape and other monkey a cookie and how they behaved. Third video we watched was about two people played cards to cheat the monkey and how it behaved.


Life on the Border Description

Exploration Name: Life on Border

Exploration Dates: March 10 – May 2

Number of Students: 15

Essential Questions/Areas:

(1) What do students know about planning and running Exploration projects?

(2) What are the steps of running Exploration project?

(3) How to keep track ofworking process?

(4) How to use resources efficiently and transparently?

(5) How is the situation of people living along the border such as: education, health, economic and immigration?

(7) Why do people move there?

(8) What are the advantages and disadvantages of living there?



In our Life On Border group we learned a lot of  things about border. Students know how to run the Exploration very well. Students know the goal to run their project. The first step that we can run our project is we learn about our goal. Our goal is Project Summary, Project Outcome, Project Mentors, Field Experiences, 21st Century Learning Skills and Core Curriculum Areas. After we learned about our goal we planned and thought. The situation of the people that live along the border is normal. Some people don’t have money so they don’t have work. Some people go to find work at Thailand so when the people go already some of the people can’t come back. People’s health is not so good at the border because they don’t have money to buy their food. They move to the border because if the people have the money they come to border to sell something because the border have a lot of people came from Russia to the Cambodia. So that why people want to make their business there. The advantage to live there is there are not a lot of bad people at there so it safe for people. The disadvantage to live there is if people don’t have money and they don’t have work they will not be safe for their life. We went to the border to learn and we saw some people have a work and some people don’t have work. Some people have a work but it like cart worker it is not easy to get the money. We interview the cart worker and the sellers. We went to casino to visit, but we didn’t get a chance to go in.

Leadership Description

Leadership is the group that want to make a different in Cambodia. We talking about how to be safe from electricity. My group were making the book how to be safe from electricity. After the book finished. Our exploration group went to Karona Kuma school at Takeo province. We also making the socket protector by 3D printing. We have been to Kampot to teach the Kep Garden school.

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On the top of the hill
We ‘ve been hiking
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We visit the beach